![]() Welcome! I talk with all companies before posting information about their product(s) to make sure I have their latest research. With so many exciting discoveries being made and new products coming on the market for the anti-aging and longevity movement, it is my goal to bring you the latest ones that have the credentials and creditability behind them. Staying healthy is a great priority to have so I hope the information presented will help you to achieve that purpose. This month is all about arterial stiffness! You are going to want to read every word of Menlascan's practitioner Diane Doran’s article. Here are some ways to resolve this issue...
Here's the important information that Diane shares about this silent killer. It Happened Without Warning! We’ve all heard this devastating statement at some point in our lives. A family member, coworker or acquaintance suddenly experiences a stroke, heart attack, or even sudden death. So many questions arise. People whisper. How could this have happened? What went wrong? Why didn’t their doctor see this coming? He or she seemed so healthy, how is this possible? Our next thoughts reflect on our loved ones, and ourselves. Are we healthy enough? Could that happen to us? How can we protect ourselves? What could have caused these catastrophic health conditions? Tragically, these unfortunate individuals may have been afflicted with what a doctor would call “the silent killer”, better known as arterial stiffness. Many victims are never aware that they are at risk until they experience their first heart attack from occluded vessels. It has been estimated that 60 - 70 million Americans harbor this silent killer. What is arterial stiffness? Arterial stiffness is a painless degenerative process. It affects the flexibility and elasticity of our arteries, making them stiffer as we age. Damage to the arteries’ smooth interior surface from inflammation causes it to harden. Fat and cholesterol deposit in the walls of arteries, causing plaques to form. Over time, these plaques can narrow or completely block the arteries resulting in major health complications throughout the body. Shockingly, this condition can begin when we are in early adolescence, creating havoc in our arteries without our knowledge. Early changes are quite difficult to detect. If this health issue is not properly addressed, the damage may reach critical levels, promoting a lethal level of plaque as we approach midlife. Arterial stiffness is strongly associated with elevated blood pressures (hypertension) and condition called atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is the medical term for the dangerous accumulation of plaque in the large arteries. Elastic and flexible arteries are necessary for proper blood flow. Non-flexible or hardened plaque filled arteries cause our hearts to work much harder, constantly forcing blood against the increasing pressure of stiff and partially occluded blood vessels. Pumping this strenuously can cause the muscular walls of the heart to become larger in order to adjust to the excessive workload. This increase in heart muscle size and mass requires additional blood flow to bring nourishing oxygen to power this important organ. If the blood flow is compromised, because we have stiff arteries full of plaque…we are in trouble. What are the dangers of arterial stiffness? Arterial stiffness creates an inability to deliver critical oxygen to our tissues. As our arteries narrow due to plaque, we are unable to move oxygen rich blood to all the organs and tissues of the body. These circulatory issues severely compromise the entire body. The kidneys may become damaged, eventually necessitating dialysis for support. Risk becomes elevated for a variety of cardiovascular complication including blood clots, occlusion of the blood vessels and even sudden death due to plaque rupture. Stiff blood vessels compromise heart function, vascular integrity and neurological function. Arterial stiffness is a growing epidemic affecting countless unsuspecting individuals. Health practitioners should make a sincere effort address this issue during preventative checkups. Complications related to arterial stiffness:
What causes arterial stiffness? Risk factors for arterial stiffness are quite numerous and everyone has at least one. Aging! Getting older contributes to hardening of the arteries. The shearing force of the blood running through the vessels will cause wear and tear over time. Other significant contributions to this issue include the following:
How can I protect myself? What if I already have this disorder? Good news! There are many ways to address these risk factors and protect our arteries from further damage. Practicing good health habits will go a long way to keeping our blood vessels healthy and decreasing our vulnerability to disease, illness, and permanent disability. Keep in mind, anything causing inflammation in our bodies, will eventually result in arterial stiffness by damaging blood vessel walls. Healthy lifestyle changes to prevent arterial stiffness include the following:
How stiff are my arteries? How will I know if I am in danger? You may be wondering if you are affected by this condition. MenlaScan is here to help! MenlaScan is a cutting-age technology capable of non-invasively measuring arterial stiffness and numerous physiological markers that contribute to blood vessel disease. MenlaScan utilizes pulse wave velocity (PWV) data analysis, the current gold standard for the measurement of arterial stiffness. PWV is an important biomarker of vascular damage and assists in determining cardiovascular risk. Elevated PWV indicates a significant risk for stroke, heart attack, heart failure and overall mortality. Your Menalscan practitioner can evaluate various diverse markers to help identify arterial stiffness and related issues. Menlascan provides information on the following health parameters associated with arterial stiffness:
Health assessment, awareness and prevention are the keys to a long and healthy life. Protect yourself! Diane Doran, RN BSN CCT - Contact Diane at [email protected] Brown Rice’s Secret Cancer Fighters
Welcome! I talk with all companies before posting information about their product(s) to make sure I have their latest research. With so many exciting discoveries being made and new products coming on the market for the anti-aging and longevity movement, it is my goal to bring you the latest ones that have the credentials and creditability behind them. Staying healthy is a great priority to have so I hope the information presented will help you to achieve that purpose. I love IP6 Gold for all the reasons I list in the January blog! I take it everyday and will continue to take it as I grow older. It's on my list of continue to take until further notice. It's such a great overall enhancement body booster! Enjoy reading about the cancer benefits! Nearly 30 years ago, when researchers at the University of Maryland were conducting studies on the health benefits of plant fibers, they began to pay particular attention to two compounds called inositol and inositol hexaphosphate (IP-6). The bran of brown rice is particularly rich in these nutrients. Scientists found that when IP-6 is administered with inositol in an exact ratio, these benefits become much more powerful. When cancer cells are exposed to IP6 with inositol, the cells lose their aggressiveness, cease their out-of-control growth rate and die. This combination boosts the ability of NK cells much more vigorously than IP-6 alone. IP-6 has shown to have strong anti-cancer properties:
In a Journal of Nutrition study, the combination of IP-6 with inositol was significantly better in different cancer models - colon, breast and metastatic lung cancer – than was either alone. Several case studies have shown that when IP-6 with inositol was given in combination with chemotherapy, the side effects of chemotherapy were diminished greatly, and patients were better able to perform their daily activities. Using IP-6 combined with inositol for any type of immune system or cancer concern is a combination that delivers life-changing nutrients when you need them the most. Because of the unparalleled ability of IP-6 to protect cells throughout the body, its power can be harnessed to guard against a variety of conditions. You can read about these in our January blog. For more information, contact: IP-6 International, Inc. 270 East Drive, Suite A Melbourne, FL 32904 1-888-276-4476 ip6gold.com Benefits of IP6 Gold
Beyond Prevention and Treatment of Cancer Welcome! I talk with all companies before posting information about their product(s) to make sure I have their latest research. With so many exciting discoveries being made and new products coming on the market for the anti-aging and longevity movement, it is my goal to bring you the latest ones that have the credentials and creditability behind them. Staying healthy is a great priority to have so I hope the information presented will help you to achieve that purpose. This is a supplement that you might not be aware of; however, I want to point out 7+ wonderful benefits that you might want to know about called IP6 Gold Immune Support Formula. Definition of IP-6: The B-vitamin inositol and its derivative IP6 (inositol hexaphosphate, also known as phytic acid) are ubiquitous in soil, plant seeds such as rice, corn, soy, wheat, sesame; and in all mammalian cells performs messenger roles (cell signaling) and numerous cellular processes. Foods high in IP-6 are all grains, legumes, fruits, beans and nuts. Dosage: 500mg to 2000mg (.5gr to 2gr), take before going to bed Benefits of IP6 + Inositol
OSTEOPOROSIS For every 4 capsules of IP6 Gold there are approx. 300mg of Calcium, 84mg of Magnesium and 400mg of Phosphorus, which are bone-building nutrients. DEPRESSION & MOOD DISORDERS Studies show Inositol is useful for clinical depression, panic disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorders. IP-6 is involved in energy production in the APT-ADP cycle. The combination of IP-6 + Inositol may help to energize the cells of the brain, providing a lift in mood and feeling of depression. DIABETES A recent study identified IP-6 as playing a key role in the release of insulin. Proper insulin production is necessary for blood sugar control. Those with diabetes may have an inositol deficiency. Complications of diabetes include an increase in cardiovascular disease, weakened immune system, high levels of oxidative stress and nerve damage. IP-6 + Inositol supplementation can be beneficial in each of these complications. CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE IP-6 + Inositol has demonstrated an ability to reduce inflammation, inhibit platelet aggregation, regulate blood pressure and cholesterol levels, bind excess iron and even reverse plaque formation in arteries. It is a potent antioxidant. KIDNEY STONES Most kidney stones are caused by abnormal accumulation of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate. As far back as 1958, studies show IP-6 has the ability to reduce excessive calcium from the urine. Another study shows IP-6 has a significant impact on the inhibition of calcium oxalate crystallizations, a key event required for kidney stone formation. In the past, diets high in rice bran (IP-6) have been used to treat kidney stones. It is much easier to take IP-6 in capsule form. IMMUNE SUPPORT One of the most exciting discoveries made during IP-6 + Inositol research was its ability to support the immune system by augmenting the response and effectiveness of natural killer (NK) cells. There is a direct relationship between NK cell activity and cancer incidence. When NK activity is high, the incidence of cancer is much lower. Conversely, when NK activity is low, the risk increases. These NK cells also play a role in identifying and destroying viruses and bacteria. A strong immune system is vital in fighting cancer, viruses and bacteria. IP-6 + Inositol can play an important role by stimulating and strengthening the NK cells, our body’s first line of defense. NATURE’S SUPER ANTIOXIDANT IP-6 It is widely accepted that a broad spectrum of antioxidant intake during our lifetime can play a role in the prevention of many conditions. A published study on colon cancer prevention compared the benefits of the famed antioxidant, green tea, to IP-6. The results indicated green tea had a marginal effect, whereas IP-6 had a much more pronounced effect. Ironically, there was a very strong synergistic effect of the two combined. Once absorbed in the body, each IP-6 molecule has the ability to neutralize up to a dozen oxidants, making it one of our most potent antioxidants available. In addition, research is now indicating that Inositol also provides antioxidant activity. Other Benefits…. Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis, Kidney Stone Prevention - A Vitamin?! The US Patent Office had issued several patents on the use of IP-6 for treatment of Alzheimer's disease, Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's Disease. Work at Dr. Manju Reddy's Lab in USA show "significant neuroprotective effect" of IP6 in a cell culture model of Parkinson's disease. Professor Grases in Spain proposed that a deficiency of IP6 could be a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease and exactly a year later in January 2011, a paper published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease demonstrate the usefulness of IP-6 in its treatment in experimental models; "...[IP6] may provide a viable treatment option for AD [Alzheimer's disease]" conclude the authors.. Professor JoAnne McLaurin and her colleagues at the University of Toronto have shown that inositol can bind with the amyloid β protein (Aβ) - the culprit destroying the brain cells, ameliorating Aβ's toxicity. "...inositol treatment for AD patients may help to prevent Aβ-deposition and Aβ-induced toxicity." conclude the authors. Thus, the combination of inositol + IP6 is likely to combat this scourge more effectively than either one alone. For more information, contact: IP-6 International, Inc. 270 East Drive, Suite A Melbourne, FL 32904 1-888-276-4476 ip6gold.com Welcome to RSR's blog site! We are excited about bringing you information to further your journey to health through science. This is an informational site only and I talk with all companies before posting information about their product(s) to make sure I have their latest research. With so many exciting discoveries being made and new products coming on the market for the anti-aging and longevity movement, it is my goal to bring you the latest ones that have the credentials and creditability behind them. Staying healthy is a great priority to have so I hope the information presented will help you to achieve that purpose. Be well and God bless one and all, Susan |